Payment and Cancellation Policies

  • A $50 deposit is required to be submitted with your registration.  You can pay in full at the time of registration.
  • The balance due must be submitted within 60 days of the crop or your registration will be canceled .
  • Cancellations received more than 60 days prior to the start of the crop will receive a full refund.
  • Cancellations received between 59-15 days prior to the start of the crop will receive a full refund less a $50 cancellation fee.
  • No refunds for cancellations received 14 days or less before the start of the crop.
  • If you need to cancel 60 days or less before the start of the crop and can find someone to take your spot, we will issue you a full refund less a $25 transfer fee.
  • You will need to cancel your own hotel room.  Hotel cancellation policies are in effect for all hotel rooms.

Yes! We offer 4 and 3 day options (and sometimes 2 day options).  You can choose which days you attend.  Our 3-day pricing is based on a Friday - Sunday crop.  If you prefer a Thursday - Saturday crop, the price will vary a bit based on how many meals you want.  Contact us for details. 
We may occasionally offer classes that you can choose to participate in depending on the vendor we have brought in.  However, our guests have indicated that they prefer to have less interruption and more time to focus on their projects.  We do not typically offer make and takes. 
We highly recommend that you bring layers with you so that you are prepared for all temperatures.  If you tend to be hot, we recommend you bring a small fan for your table.  If you tend to get very cold, we recommend that you bring a blanket.  Due to the set up of the room, some of our seating is often unfortunately right under a vent and we can not control the temperature in the room.  Hotel banquet rooms are large and take a long time to heat up or cool down making it impossible to please everyone.  To prevent being uncomfortable, please plan accordingly. 
Please see our cancellation policies.  We understand that emergencies happen.  However, we have contracts to follow and guarantees of our own to meet and that prevents us from being able to make exceptions.  
Yes. Many of our guests do bring snacks to share with the group.  You are not obligated to bring snacks nor share what you bring.  You may bring your own drinks, but all drinks must be covered or have a lid. 
Yes!  Our room arrangement changes based on the number of guests attending, but our tables are typically set in groups of 4 or 6.  If you have friends you want to sit with, just note that on your registration form. 
At this time we do not offer a tool table or a Cricut table.  Please bring with you whatever supplies you need. 

Can I bring my own food and drink?

What happens if I tend to get hot or cold during the crop?

What if I have an emergency and need to cancel at the last minute?

Can I attend just a portion of the crop?

Do you offer a tool table?

Can I sit with my friends?

We do not play music.  Our guests typically prefer conversation, laughter and time to focus. If you would like to listen to your own music, we require that you use headphones.

Do you offer make and takes or classes?

Do you play background music?  Can I play music?